In 2022 I succesfully(!) planted and kept alive 2 basils and 1 mint. I hope to continue creating and maintaining a little herb garden in my kitchen. I unfortunately have no access to a balcony, but our apartment complex offers these little planter boxes in the backyard and I hope to grab one!
I'm not sure if I dare to attempt sprouting herbs, or just continue with buying herbs from the grocery store and then re-planting them on my windowsill.
Herb Plans
Basil (Regular, maybe 1 holy?)A favourite of mine, so delicious and beautiful.
Mint (Regular)
So resilient, so thanful for so little.
I'm afraid. My favourite herb, but I have heard that they are difficult.
My partner's favourite herb!
I am not very good with plants but I like them?? I have had two tillandsias (1 flowered!!! 1 had pups!!!!! they grew like crazy! I miss them!) but one day my cat found them and was like holy shit this is the most incredible toy I have ever seen and shredded them. Maybe one day I will buy new ones, but I'm still grieving.